Fishermen young and old prove to be hardy bunch -

2022-08-13 04:01:36 By : Ms. OEM Company

Richard Froese South Peace News

Frozen fun for the whole family was part of the fifth annual Kids Can Catching Ice Fishing Fun Day on Feb. 20 in Joussard on Lesser Slave Lake. Lesser Slave Watershed Council and the Joussard Community Associated co-hosted the event held in-person after COVID-19 restrictions modified the event in 2021. “The event was a success,” watershed co-ordinator Kate Lovsin says. “We had 52 people who chose to brave the cold temperatures and join the fun on the ice.” Temperatures reached a high of – 16 C and road conditions were less than ideal, she says. “It was great to see people of all ages come out to try ice fishing,” Lovsin says. After a presentation by LSWC vice-chair Tammy Kaleta at the Joussard Community Hall, about 30 people made their way out onto the lake to enjoy some fishing. Kaleta gave an interactive talk about ice safety and proper fish-handling practices. Fishing gear was provided by LSWC to anyone who didn’t have their own. “For those who went out on the ice, we had pre-drilled holes ready for people to use, as well as a few ice fishing tents and shacks to sit inside and a fire to stand around and warm up,” Lovsin says. “We were lucky that the wind was not strong and that despite the cold temperatures, everyone had a good time.” Inside the hall, Lesser Slave Forest Education Society provided a display of pelts of mammals found in the region and explained by executive director Cori Klassen. After ice fishing, the JCA had tobogganing on Mission Hill before the day finished with fireworks over the ice. The event was held in conjunction with Alberta’s Free Family Fishing Weekend as part of Family Day. “We hope to see more people out for the event next February,” Lovsin says. Alberta Conservation Association also sponsored the event. Organizers also thank Big Lakes County Family and Community Support Services for donating lunch and hot chocolate.

Lesser Slave Watershed Council vice-chair Tammy Kaleta, right, shows a lake whitefish as she demonstrates how to properly handle a fish. Sitting, left-right, are Marika Odegaard, 8, and sister Briar Odegaard, 5, both of Enilda.

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